Yarn Along: Aurelia Models Puerperium

Joining Ginny for the Yarn Along.

I’m lost in a sea of new babyhood, mamahood and trying to get our bearings after moving to a new neighborhood (in a new city), so new knitting isn’t really happening and I’m not currently sure I remember what a book is. What I do know, however, is that our littlest gal is adorable in her handknits, as evidenced by the following (Ravelry notes here):

5 thoughts on “Yarn Along: Aurelia Models Puerperium

  1. Well that’s a darn good excuse for not knitting! I could get lost for hours just staring at her sweet little face. Enjoy it!

  2. She is delightful, congratulations and enjoy your babymoon. The perfect excuse for not knitting. πŸ™‚
    I love the buttons you chose for her Puerperium.
    Have a beautiful week.

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